Concept | CHEN Wu Kang and SUN Ruey Horng
Dramaturg|TANG Fu Kuen
Director|Tora HSU
Choreographers&Performers|WANG Ning, TIEN Hsiao Tzu, LIU I Ling, Anastasia Melati
Commentator | YU Yen Fang
Video Director|CHEN Wei Sheng
Director of Photography|CHEN Kuan Yu
Photography Assistant |WU Ching Hsuan, BIAN Zheng Yao
Light Design | HSU Shao Hsiang
Stage Manager|SUN Wei Zhen
Lighting Direction|WANG Li Hsuan
Audio Direction|Andrew CHAO
Technical Execution | CHU Wei Ting, CHANG Wen Hsin, CHIU Chih Hsin , HUANG Yen Hsun, LI Chia Lu, LIN Shih Jie, LO Yu Tsan, SUE Xiao Yun, TANG Yu Hsuan, TONG Wang Ting, LAN Ge Fang , XIE Ming Ting, XU Hui Ting
Production Coordinator|Ann WU, Joanne YEN
Production |KING KONG WAVE Production
Consultant | WANG Chia Ming
Producer | HSIA Man Ching
Associate Producer | HUANG Wen
Production Manager | YANG Li Chiao
Creative Assistant | WU Ho Ju
Website Creation | CHEN Cheng Tao
Visual Design | O.OO
Music Design | Blaire KO
Live-streaming construction | Voxel Vision Technology Corp.